Pitfalls of Bad Message On Hold Programs

Just as there are bad television and radio commercials, there are also a few bad telephone message on hold programs being played to callers on a daily basis. Here are just a couple of the major pitfalls of bad message on hold programs.

Incorrect Information

Believe it or not – it happens all the time, businesses approving scripts with incorrect information being played to callers. Promoting incorrect sale prices, the wrong dates and incorrect information about layby – we’ve heard about businesses who have neglected to pay attention to their message on hold – and this can end up being quite costly if your callers get disgruntled about the inaccurate information.

Long Messages

Let’s face it … many of your callers are waiting for you to come to the phone. You are more likely to grab their attention with a quick, clear and concise message … using maybe a little wit, or a great one liner to entice them to ask more questions when you return. Your message on hold program is great form of bait; only give your callers enough information to spark their interest. Don’t provide long-winded messages that are more likely to lose them.

Wrong Music

Loud or inappropriate music can be quite off-putting for many callers, and if you are playing the wrong music, then you stand to lose callers. Remember, the music you use is a representation of your company, make sure it appeals to your callers and is a great reflection on what your company is all about.

Old Messages

Old and stale messages get boring, especially for callers who ring you on a regular basis. Freshen up your telephone message on hold program at least every 6-months. This way you can add more relevant content, ensure old and inaccurate information is removed and also ensure your audio production is a little more appealing to the masses.

Your telephone message on hold system should be treated just like any other marketing campaign. You should have a strategy, and ensure your content is accurate and is the best representation for your brand.

Phone Sound is one of the country’s leading suppliers of telephone message on hold programs. We provide the full on hold package, from the supply of your on hold equipment, through to scriptwriting, voiceovers and production of your audio advertisements. Call us today.

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